What People Are Saying

I had an energy awareness session with Megan... and WOW!! She is spot on! Gave me LOTS of guidance and helped me with some stuck energy that's already made a difference! She also helped me call in 3 different guides that I know will be a game changer for me. Can't recommend Megan Catherin Enlightenment enough, no matter where you're at in your spiritual journey!!
Rebecca Kelly
Ladies HQ
My ears have been constantly ringing since. It's like I'm having download after download of advice, stop... look... listen moments. Like someone has taken over my negative thoughts and automatically changes them into positive. Very powerful stuff. I feel like I'm transforming from old Emma into this new Emma at superdooper speed. Love it. Thankyou so much Megan. You are an Angel
Emma L
August 2022
It is such a pleasure to have been friends, co-creators, magicians and more over the years. To have been able to be open and share my crazy, weird shizz. To have Megan who can put words to the energy I sense, the out there things I do with energy that I even sometimes question!! But she takes it in her stride each and every time! I love that you are truly branching out and reaching more and more people! That you are there to share your experiences, thoughts and wisdom with many more people. Thay will be forever changed for the better, like I have been.
Natasha Lee Freudenstein
Rainbow Sutra
The messages I received from Megan in the Lightworker Enhancement session were very powerful and also calming as I received messages of how to connect with my spiritual team and also trust what is to come. I felt gratitude for the support that I am receiving from the other side. Thank you for the message filled with hope, support and encouragement. I loved the messages I heard confirming some of the gifts I recently became aware of. I still enjoy listening to the recording to enjoy it all over again. Thank you Megan
Tanya Fillion
Transformation Coach
Megan made me realise that I haven't been stuffing up. She made me feel so much better about myself. You educated me so that I understood my energetic system better, and with that, I will be able to use it even more effectively
Marie C
Online Event Attendee
Thank you Megan! I feel so comforted and calm. There is definately a lot to process and I will be watching it a few times. Thanks again and thank you to our guides. I'm so excited about what is to come.
Kirsty Geldart
Online Event Attendee
Thank you so much for tonight Megan. My daughters and I all enjoyed learning to listen to our higher selves. I'm so grateful for you giving up your time. Look forward to the next time
Caren Collins
Event Attendee
Thank you so much for hosting such an amazing event! After months of self-isolation and absence, I slurped in on a low and floated out on a high, with a clear mind, amazing advice, great guidance and answers. To top it all off, I was surrounded by an awesome group of women and made seriously great connections
Roxy Malek
Event Attendee